To get started you need a VPS Server with nothing installed (i.e. no pre-installed services). You can purchase one of these VPS servers using services like Digital Ocean, Contabo, Hetzner etc. Or if you have powerful hosting also suitable.
Server Requirements
- VPS server (AlmaLinux, RockyLinux recomended) or powerfull hosting
- Nginx 1.19+ or Apache 2.4+
- Mysql 8 or MariaDB 10.8+
- PHP 8.1+
- Supervisor
PHP Extensions
- mbstring
- fileinfo
- gd
- bcmath
- ctype
- curl
- dom
- json
- openssl
- pcre
- pdo
- exif
- tokenizer
- xml
Make sure you have these php functions enabled
popen, proc_open, sumlink
Additional Requirements
- For Email need IMAP Support